Gir Cow | Milk Per Day, Facts & Price


Gir Cow, also known as Gir or Bhadawari, & also known as Gyr cattle is a popular cattle breed native to the Gir forest region of India. It is one of the principal Zebu cattle breeds, known for its distinct characteristics, adaptability, and high milk production. The breed has gained recognition and popularity not only in India but also in other countries for its excellent milk quality and quantity.

Geographical Parameters of Gir:

The Gir breed originates from the Saurashtra region in Gujarat, India. The area comprises dense forests, hilly terrain, and rough climate conditions, which have contributed to the development of Gir cows with robust characteristics and high resilience.

Typical Breed Characteristics of Gir Cattle:

Gir cows exhibit several distinct traits that make them a valuable breed:

1. Appearance: They have a medium-to-large-sized body with a well-developed hump, long ears, and a dewlap. The coat color varies from shades of red to reddish-brown with white markings.

2. Adaptability: Gir cows are well-adapted to hot and humid climates. Their ability to thrive in such conditions makes them suitable for various tropical regions.


3. Milk Production: One of the most remarkable features of the Gir breed is its high milk production capacity. They are considered one of the best milch breeds among Zebu cattle.

4. Disease Resistance: Gir cows have good resistance to common cattle diseases, which further adds to their appeal for dairy farmers.

5. Calving Ease: The breed is known for ease in calving, making it easier for farmers to manage during the calving process.

Gir Cow Cost: | Gir cow Price

The price of a Gir cow can vary depending on various factors such as age, pedigree, lactation history, and physical characteristics. Generally, a good-quality Gir cow can range from $1000 to $3000 or even more.

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gir cow ghee
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Gir Cow Milk Per Day: |Gyr Catttle

Gir cows are renowned for their high milk production. On average, a Gir cow can yield around 12 to 20 liters of milk per day during peak lactation. However, some well-nourished and managed cows have been reported to produce even higher volumes of milk.

Conservation and Genetic Improvement Programmes of Gir:

Due to their economic significance and cultural value, there have been concerted efforts to conserve and improve the Gir cattle breed. Government and private organizations in India have undertaken various breeding programs to maintain the breed’s purity and enhance its genetic potential. These initiatives include controlled breeding, artificial insemination, and setting up Gir breeding centers.

Gir Cattle Breed Profile: | Gir cow price

Name: Gir Cow , Gyr cattle Origin: Saurashtra region, Gujarat, India Coat Color: Shades of red to reddish-brown with white markings Size: Medium to large-sized Milk Production: 12 to 20 liters per day (approximate)

The Unfortunate and Pathetic Truth of Gir Cattle:

Despite their significance and cultural importance, Gir cows have faced some challenges in recent times. Urbanization, deforestation, and industrialization have led to a decline in their natural habitat. Additionally, crossbreeding with other cattle breeds has posed a threat to the purity of the Gir breed. To address these issues, conservation efforts have become even more crucial to preserve the genetic integrity of Gir cows.

The Advantages of Having a Gir Cow Dairy Farm: | Gir cow price

Owning a Gir cow dairy farm can offer several advantages to farmers:

1. High Milk Yield: The primary benefit is the high milk production capacity of Gir cows, which can ensure a steady and substantial income for dairy farmers.

2. Adaptability: Gir cows’ ability to adapt to harsh climatic conditions reduces the cost of maintaining them and makes them suitable for various regions.

3. Disease Resistance: Their natural resistance to common cattle diseases can reduce veterinary expenses and losses due to illness.

4. Cultural and Economic Significance: Gir cows hold cultural and religious significance in India, making them a valuable asset for farmers who can benefit from selling high-quality Gir cow milk and breeding stock.

5. Conservation Efforts: By raising Gir cows, farmers can actively contribute to the conservation of this indigenous and important cattle breed.

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gir cow ghee
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  1. Question: What are the typical characteristics of Gir cows?

Answer: Gir cows exhibit several distinct characteristics that make them a valuable breed:

  1. Appearance: Gir cows have a medium-to-large-sized body with a well-developed hump, long ears, and a dewlap (a loose fold of skin hanging from the neck). The most common coat color ranges from shades of red to reddish-brown, with white markings on the face, legs, and tail switch.
  2. Adaptability: One of the notable traits of Gir cows is their excellent adaptability to hot and humid climates. They have evolved in the challenging conditions of the Gir forest region in Gujarat, India, and can thrive in various tropical regions.
  3. Milk Production: Gir cows are renowned for their high milk production capacity. On average, they can yield around 12 to 20 liters of milk per day during peak lactation. Some well-nourished and well-managed cows have been reported to produce even higher volumes of milk.
  4. Disease Resistance: Gir cows have developed good resistance to common cattle diseases, which adds to their appeal for dairy farmers. This resistance reduces the risk of illnesses, resulting in healthier and more productive cows.
  5. Calving Ease: The breed is known for ease in calving, meaning they generally have smooth and trouble-free birthing processes. This characteristic reduces the risk of complications during calving and makes them easier to manage for farmers.

Question: How much does a Gir cow cost in India?

Answer: The price of a Gir cow in India can vary significantly depending on several factors. These factors include the cow’s age, pedigree (lineage and genetic background), lactation history (previous milk production record), physical characteristics, and the region or market in which the cow is being sold.

As of my last update in September 2021, a good-quality Gir cow could range from around ₹70,000 to ₹2,50,000 Indian Rupees or even higher, depending on the aforementioned factors. However, please note that cattle prices can fluctuate over time, and it is always best to check with local cattle markets, breeders, or agricultural authorities in India for the most up-to-date and accurate pricing information.

Question: How much milk can a Gir cow produce per day?

Answer: Gir cows are known for their high milk production capacity. On average, a Gir cow can yield around 12 to 20 liters of milk per day during peak lactation. However, it is essential to remember that milk production can vary from cow to cow and may depend on factors such as nutrition, health, and stage of lactation.

Well-nourished and well-managed Gir cows have been reported to produce even higher volumes of milk, sometimes exceeding 20 liters per day. To maintain such high milk production, proper feeding, healthcare, and management practices are crucial.

Question: Why are Gir cows considered valuable for dairy farming?

Answer: Gir cows are highly valued for dairy farming due to several reasons:

  • High Milk Production: Gir cows have a reputation for their high milk production capacity, making them a profitable choice for dairy farmers. Their ability to yield significant quantities of milk can ensure a steady and substantial income from the dairy business.
  • Adaptability: These cows are well-adapted to hot and humid climates, which reduces the cost of managing them. They can thrive in various tropical regions, making them suitable for dairy farming in diverse geographical locations.
  • Disease Resistance: Gir cows have developed good resistance to common cattle diseases, reducing the need for extensive veterinary care and resulting in healthier cows.
  • Calving Ease: The breed is known for ease in calving, making the calving process smoother and reducing the risk of complications during birthing. This ease of calving simplifies the management of Gir cows for dairy farmers.
  • Cultural and Economic Significance: Gir cows hold cultural and religious significance in India. They are considered sacred in some regions and are an important part of religious ceremonies. Additionally, owning Gir cows can be economically rewarding due to their high milk yield and potential for selling quality breeding stock.

Question: How are conservation and genetic improvement programs helping to preserve and enhance the Gir cattle breed?

Answer: Conservation and genetic improvement programs play a vital role in preserving the Gir cattle breed and enhancing its genetic potential. These programs are typically undertaken by government agencies, private organizations, and breeders who are dedicated to safeguarding the breed’s purity and improving its desirable traits.

Some key initiatives in conservation and genetic improvement programs for Gir cows include:

  1. Controlled Breeding: Efforts are made to ensure controlled and planned breeding to maintain the genetic integrity of the Gir breed. This involves careful selection of breeding pairs to avoid inbreeding and maintain a diverse gene pool.
  2. Artificial Insemination (AI): AI techniques are employed to introduce superior genetic material from high-performing Gir bulls into the breeding population. This helps in improving the overall milk production and other desirable traits in the offspring.
  3. Setting up Gir Breeding Centers: Specialized Gir breeding centers are established to house and manage purebred Gir cattle. These centers facilitate better care, proper nutrition, and systematic breeding practices to promote the breed’s conservation.
  4. Performance Recording: Milk production and other performance-related data of individual cows are recorded and monitored. This data helps in identifying high-performing cows for breeding and further improving the overall genetic potential of the breed.

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gir cow ghee

Question: What is the geographical distribution of Gir cows?

Answer: Gir cows are primarily found in the Saurashtra region of Gujarat, India. The breed’s name, “Gir,” is derived from the Gir forest, which is a dense and expansive forest area located in the western part of Gujarat. This region is characterized by a mix of rugged terrain, hilly landscapes, and abundant vegetation, creating an ideal environment for the development of the Gir cattle breed.

Due to their adaptability to hot and humid climates, Gir cows have been well-suited to this region and other tropical areas in India. Over time, the popularity of Gir cows has spread beyond the Saurashtra region, and they can now be found in various parts of India, where they continue to be valued for their high milk production and other desirable characteristics.

Question: What are some challenges faced by the conservation efforts of Gir cows?

Answer: Despite efforts to conserve the Gir cattle breed, there are several challenges that conservation programs have encountered:

  1. Habitat Loss: The natural habitat of Gir cows, the Gir forest region, has been facing increased pressure due to deforestation, urbanization, and industrialization. This loss of natural habitat can threaten the survival of the breed in its native environment.
  2. Crossbreeding: The introduction of exotic cattle breeds for higher milk production has led to crossbreeding with Gir cows. While this may result in higher milk yields, it poses a risk to the genetic purity and unique traits of the Gir breed.
  3. Genetic Erosion: As crossbreeding occurs, there is a risk of genetic erosion, where the original characteristics of the Gir cows may be diluted or lost over time.
  4. Lack of Awareness: Limited awareness about the importance of conserving indigenous cattle breeds, including Gir cows, can hinder efforts to protect and promote the breed.
  5. Economic Pressures: In some cases, economic pressures and a focus on short-term gains may lead to the neglect of long-term conservation efforts.
To address these challenges, dedicated conservation programs, awareness campaigns, and the establishment of Gir breeding centers have been initiated to preserve the breed’s genetic integrity and ensure its sustainable future.

Question: What are some advantages of setting up a Gir cow dairy farm?

Answer: Establishing a Gir cow dairy farm can offer several advantages to farmers:

  1. High Milk Yield: Gir cows are known for their high milk production capacity. As dairy animals, they can provide a steady and substantial milk supply for commercial dairy operations.
  2. Adaptability: Gir cows’ ability to adapt to hot and humid climates reduces the need for expensive climate-controlled housing and makes them suitable for dairy farming in tropical regions.
  3. Disease Resistance: The breed’s natural resistance to common cattle diseases can reduce the need for extensive veterinary care, leading to lower healthcare expenses for the dairy farm.
  4. Cultural and Religious Significance: In regions where Gir cows hold cultural and religious significance, owning and raising these cows can be seen as a source of pride and respect within the community.
  5. Conservation Contribution: By keeping Gir cows on the farm, farmers actively contribute to the conservation of this indigenous and valuable cattle breed.
  6. Breeding Opportunities: Farmers can utilize Gir cows as quality breeding stock to improve the genetic potential of their herd or to sell to other farmers interested in raising Gir cows.
  7. Diverse Product Portfolio: In addition to milk, Gir cows can also provide other dairy products like ghee, curd, and butter, allowing farmers to diversify their product portfolio and cater to a broader market.

Question: How can farmers improve the milk production of Gir cows on their dairy farms?

Answer: Farmers can take several measures to improve the milk production of Gir cows:

  1. Proper Nutrition: Providing balanced and nutritious feed to the cows is crucial for optimal milk production. Ensuring access to high-quality forage, grains, and supplements can significantly boost milk yields.
  2. Regular Milking and Management: Regular and timely milking, along with proper management practices, helps maintain milk production consistency and prevents udder-related issues.
  3. Healthcare and Hygiene: Regular health checkups, vaccinations, and disease prevention measures are essential to keep the cows healthy and maintain their milk production capacity.
  4. Breeding Selection: Selecting bulls with high genetic potential for milk production and breeding them with suitable Gir cows can lead to improved milk production in the offspring.
  5. Milking Technology: Employing modern milking technology and techniques can enhance the milking process efficiency and reduce stress on the cows.
  6. Environmental Comfort: Providing a clean and comfortable living environment for the cows, with adequate shelter and proper ventilation, can positively impact their overall health and productivity.
By implementing these practices, farmers can optimize the milk production of their Gir cows and ensure the success and profitability of their dairy farming endeavors.

Question: What are the conservation efforts and government initiatives aimed at preserving the Gir cattle breed?

Answer: The conservation of the Gir cattle breed has been a priority for the Indian government and various organizations. Several initiatives and government programs have been put in place to safeguard the breed’s genetic purity and promote its sustainable development. Some of these efforts include:

  1. Gir Conservation and Research Centre: The Government of Gujarat has established the “Gir Conservation and Research Centre” in the Gir forest to focus on the conservation and breeding of purebred Gir cows. The center plays a crucial role in maintaining a nucleus herd of Gir cattle and conducting research to enhance their genetic potential.
  2. Artificial Insemination (AI) Program: The government and various dairy cooperatives have implemented AI programs to improve the breed’s genetic quality. Through AI, superior semen from high-yielding Gir bulls is used to inseminate cows, ensuring the propagation of desirable traits in the offspring.
  3. Selective Breeding: Controlled and selective breeding practices are encouraged to prevent inbreeding and maintain the breed’s diverse gene pool. The aim is to enhance the overall productivity and resilience of Gir cows.
  4. Conservation Awareness Campaigns: Awareness campaigns and educational programs are conducted to raise awareness about the cultural and economic significance of Gir cattle and the importance of conserving indigenous cattle breeds.
  5. Establishment of Gir Goshalas: Goshalas (cow shelters) dedicated to Gir cows have been set up across the country to provide care and protection to abandoned or unproductive Gir cows. These shelters play a vital role in preserving the breed and preventing genetic dilution through crossbreeding.
  6. Incentives for Conservation: Some states offer incentives and financial support to farmers and organizations actively involved in conserving indigenous cattle breeds, including Gir cows. These incentives may include subsidies for setting up Gir cow dairy farms or breeding centers.
  7. Recognition as a National Genetic Resource: The Government of India has recognized the Gir cattle breed as a “National Genetic Resource,” further emphasizing its importance and need for preservation.

Question: What makes Gir cows unique compared to other cattle breeds in India?

Answer: Gir cows stand out from other cattle breeds in India due to their unique combination of traits:
  1. Milk Production: Gir cows are one of the best milch breeds among Zebu cattle, known for their high milk production capacity. They yield substantial quantities of milk, making them highly valuable for dairy farming.
  2. Adaptability: The ability of Gir cows to thrive in hot and humid tropical climates sets them apart from many other cattle breeds. Their adaptability to such conditions reduces the need for specialized management and care.
  3. Disease Resistance: The breed’s natural resistance to common cattle diseases is an essential characteristic that contributes to their overall health and longevity.
  4. Conservation Status: Gir cows are an indigenous breed native to India and hold cultural significance. Efforts to conserve the breed highlight its unique genetic heritage and cultural importance.
  5. Physical Characteristics: Gir cows have a distinctive appearance with a well-developed hump, long ears, and a dewlap. Their coat color varies from shades of red to reddish-brown, making them visually striking.
  6. Ease of Calving: The ease in calving exhibited by Gir cows simplifies the management process for farmers during birthing, reducing potential complications.
  7. Genetic Potential: The genetic potential of Gir cows for improved milk production and desirable traits makes them a popular choice for breed improvement programs.

Question: How does the breeding of Gir cows impact the dairy industry in India? | gir cow price

Answer: The breeding of Gir cows plays a significant role in the dairy industry of India. Here’s how it impacts the industry:

  1. Improved Milk Yields: Through selective breeding and the use of artificial insemination with high-yielding Gir bulls, dairy farmers can produce offspring with improved milk production potential. This contributes to increased milk yields in dairy farms, supporting the growing demand for milk and dairy products in the country.
  2. Genetic Improvement: By carefully selecting breeding pairs and focusing on desirable traits, breeders can enhance the overall genetic potential of Gir cows. This contributes to the improvement of the breed’s characteristics and helps in developing superior cows for the dairy industry.
  3. Conservation of Indigenous Breed: The breeding of Gir cows plays a crucial role in the conservation of this indigenous cattle breed. As the demand for exotic breeds and crossbreeding rises, efforts to maintain purebred Gir cows become vital to preserving the breed’s unique genetic heritage.
  4. Quality Breeding Stock: The breeding of Gir cows helps produce quality breeding stock that can be sold to other farmers interested in raising Gir cows. This not only contributes to the spread of the breed but also ensures the availability of genetically superior cows for dairy farming.
  5. Economic Impact: Gir cows’ high milk production capacity and adaptability make them economically significant in the dairy industry. They provide a sustainable source of income for dairy farmers, supporting livelihoods and rural economies.
Overall, the breeding of Gir cows plays a pivotal role in sustaining the dairy industry in India by providing high-quality milk, preserving indigenous genetic resources, and contributing to rural development.

Question: What are some key factors that contribute to the popularity of Gir cows among dairy farmers?

Answer: Gir cows have gained popularity among dairy farmers due to several key factors that make them a desirable choice for dairy farming:

  1. High Milk Yield: One of the primary reasons for the popularity of Gir cows is their exceptional milk production capacity. They can yield a significant amount of milk per day, making them highly productive dairy animals.
  2. Adaptability to Tropical Climates: Gir cows are well-adapted to hot and humid tropical climates, which are prevalent in many regions of India. Their ability to thrive in such conditions reduces the need for specialized management practices and makes them suitable for dairy farming in diverse geographical areas.
  3. Disease Resistance: The breed’s natural resistance to common cattle diseases is a valuable trait for dairy farmers. It reduces the risk of illnesses, leading to healthier cows and lower veterinary expenses.
  4. Ease of Calving: Gir cows are known for ease in calving, meaning they generally have smooth and trouble-free birthing processes. This characteristic simplifies the management of the calving process for farmers.
  5. Genetic Potential: Through selective breeding and genetic improvement programs, the genetic potential of Gir cows has been enhanced over the years. This has resulted in cows with improved milk production and other desirable traits, making them an attractive choice for dairy farmers.
  6. Cultural and Religious Significance: Gir cows hold cultural and religious significance in India, especially in certain regions. Owning and raising Gir cows can be considered a matter of pride and respect within the community.
  7. Conservation Efforts: The ongoing efforts to conserve and protect indigenous cattle breeds, including Gir cows, have increased awareness and interest in supporting and promoting the breed.
  8. Quality Breeding Stock: Gir cows are considered valuable breeding stock due to their genetic potential. Farmers can use them to improve the genetic quality of their herd or sell them to other farmers interested in raising Gir cows.
  9. Diverse Product Portfolio: In addition to milk, Gir cows can provide other dairy products like ghee, curd, and butter, allowing farmers to diversify their product portfolio and cater to a broader market.
The combination of these factors has contributed to the popularity of Gir cows among dairy farmers in India and other regions, making them a preferred choice for sustainable and profitable dairy farming ventures.

Question: How does the milk of Gir cows compare to milk from other cattle breeds in terms of quality?

Answer: The milk of Gir cows is highly regarded for its quality and composition. Compared to milk from some other cattle breeds, Gir cow milk exhibits certain characteristics that make it desirable:
  1. Fat Content: Gir cow milk has a relatively higher fat content compared to milk from certain other breeds. This higher fat content contributes to the rich and creamy texture of the milk, making it ideal for products like ghee and butter.
  2. Protein Content: The protein content in Gir cow milk is also known to be higher than that of milk from some other breeds. This contributes to its nutritional value and makes it suitable for the production of various dairy products like cheese and yogurt.
  3. A2 Milk: Gir cows are known to produce A2 milk, which contains the A2 beta-casein protein. A2 milk is believed by some to be easier to digest and less likely to cause certain digestive issues compared to A1 milk found in some other breeds.
  4. Flavor and Taste: Gir cow milk is often praised for its sweet and pleasant flavor. This taste profile is appealing to consumers and makes the milk a popular choice for direct consumption as well as for various dairy-based dishes and beverages.
  5. Nutritional Benefits: The higher fat and protein content, combined with essential vitamins and minerals, make Gir cow milk nutritionally rich and beneficial for overall health.

Question: What are some challenges faced by farmers in raising Gir cows, and how can these challenges be addressed?

Answer: Farmers raising Gir cows may encounter various challenges, and addressing these challenges is crucial to ensure successful dairy farming. Some common challenges and possible solutions include:
  1. Feeding and Nutrition: Providing a balanced and nutritious diet to Gir cows can be challenging, especially in areas with limited access to quality forage and feed. Farmers should work with veterinarians or animal nutritionists to develop appropriate feeding plans and ensure the cows receive essential nutrients for optimal milk production.
  2. Healthcare and Disease Management: Despite their disease resistance, Gir cows are not entirely immune to health issues. Regular health checkups, vaccinations, and proper disease management practices are essential to keep the cows healthy and productive.
  3. Reproduction and Breeding: Ensuring successful breeding and calving can be challenging. Farmers should use proper estrus detection methods or employ artificial insemination services to maximize successful breeding. Timely and proper management during calving is essential to reduce the risk of complications.
  4. Management of Calves: Proper care of calves is crucial for their healthy growth and future productivity. Farmers should provide appropriate nutrition, shelter, and healthcare to ensure the development of strong and healthy replacement heifers.
  5. Conservation and Purity: Maintaining the genetic purity of Gir cows can be challenging in the face of crossbreeding with other cattle breeds. Farmers should be cautious when introducing new bloodlines and focus on preserving the breed’s unique traits through selective breeding.
  6. Market Access: Access to a stable and profitable market for Gir cow milk and other dairy products is vital for the success of dairy farming. Farmers should explore marketing opportunities, partnerships with dairy processors, or value-added product development to increase income.
  7. Awareness and Knowledge: Lack of awareness about the specific needs and characteristics of Gir cows can hinder effective management. Farmers should educate themselves through training programs, workshops, and interactions with experienced Gir cow breeders.
  8. Environmental Factors: Extreme weather conditions or natural disasters can pose risks to the well-being of Gir cows. Providing suitable shelter and taking preventive measures during adverse weather can mitigate potential issues.

By addressing these challenges through proper management, education, and collaboration with experts, farmers can overcome obstacles and ensure the health and productivity of their Gir cows, leading to a successful and sustainable dairy farming enterprise.

Question: How can the conservation efforts for Gir cows be expanded to ensure their long-term survival and genetic preservation?

Answer: Expanding conservation efforts for Gir cows is essential to ensure their long-term survival and genetic preservation. Some strategies to achieve this include:

  1. Increased Awareness: Raising awareness about the cultural and economic importance of Gir cows and their role in preserving indigenous cattle breeds is crucial. Public awareness campaigns can garner support for conservation initiatives and generate interest among farmers and the general public.
  2. Strengthening Breeding Programs: Continuously improving and strengthening selective breeding programs can enhance the breed’s genetic potential and maintain its unique traits. These programs should focus on identifying high-performing individuals and utilizing modern breeding technologies.
  3. Establishment of Conservation Centers: Creating more Gir cow conservation centers and breeding farms can provide dedicated facilities for the breed’s preservation. These centers can focus on research, breeding, and providing quality breeding stock to farmers.
  4. Genetic Evaluation and Documentation: Regular genetic evaluation and documentation of individual Gir cows can help in tracking their lineage and identifying animals with desirable traits. This data can aid in making informed breeding decisions.
  5. Incentives and Support: Governments and relevant organizations can provide financial incentives and support to farmers and breeders actively engaged in Gir cow conservation. This can encourage more people to participate in the preservation efforts.
  6. Collaboration and Networking: Collaboration among different stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, farmers, and research institutions, is vital for the success of conservation efforts. Networking can facilitate the exchange of knowledge and resources.
  7. Regulatory Protection: Implementing legal measures and regulations to protect the genetic purity and prevent crossbreeding with other cattle breeds can safeguard the breed’s uniqueness and integrity.
  8. International Collaboration: Collaboration with international organizations and breed enthusiasts can provide exposure and support for Gir cow conservation efforts globally.

In conclusion, Gir cows are a valuable cattle breed known for their high milk production, adaptability, and disease resistance. Despite facing some challenges, conservation efforts have been undertaken to preserve their unique genetic traits. Owning a Gir cow dairy farm can be economically and culturally rewarding while also contributing to the conservation of this magnificent breed.

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