Dwarf Coconut Trees Farming | Coconut yield per acre calculation
Introduction to Growing Dwarf Coconut Trees
Are you thinking of growing dwarf coconut trees? Well, This article will teach you all about the different species of dwarf coconut trees! The dwarf coconut tree is a small tall variety of palm tree that is scientifically called Cocos nucifera. The scientific name of all coconut varieties is the same and it is a cultivated species of the coconut plant.
Commercially, dwarf coconut is grown in many tropical and subtropical countries. Also, it can be grown as an ornamental plant in home gardens. Coconuts can germinate and grow in coconut palms and begin to bear fruit after 3 years under suitable weather conditions, rainfall, and environmental conditions. In general, with proper care and proper conditions, dwarf coconut trees can be successfully planted at any time of the year.
Dwarf coconut trees grow in a variety of well-drained soils with a pH of 5.0 to 8.0. They also tolerate saline soils and direct salt spraying, which gives them an excellent addition to the coastal landscape. According to the Daily Star, the small height of the dwarf coconut tree gives it an advantage over the taller varieties when it comes to standing against hurricane-force winds, as well as when it is easier to maintain.
Coconut palms are classified into two groups based on their mature size, with tall varieties up to 100 feet tall and small dwarfs up to about one-third of that size. Despite differences in size, both species require similar cultural conditions for healthy and productive growth.
In this article we will also discuss the following topics about dwarf coconut trees;
- The process of growing dwarf coconut trees
- Which soil is best for growing dwarf coconut trees
- How long can it take to harvest coconut
- Dwarf coconut plant care
- How long does it take for dwarf coconut varieties to tolerate cashews
- How tall dwarf coconut trees grow
A step-by-step guide to growing dwarf coconut trees
The dwarf coconut palm is the second most common type of tree species. They are smaller than a tall coconut tree. As with most self-pollinators, there are fewer species of this type of plant. The coconut dwarf tree is the preferred species for planting palm trees in home gardens. Dwarf palms grow up to about 5 meters and usually bear fruit after 3 to 5 years. The dwarf coconut palm is a beautiful plant that gives tasty fruit. So Let’s grow dwarf coconut trees.
Characteristics of dwarf coconut trees
- Height – Dwarf coconut is about 15-20 feet in height. This is the average height of the tree variety. The average height of a tree is the height of a full-grown tree.
- Size -Dwarf Coconuts are small in size and oval or round. this Coconut is small in size (5-7 m) and starts ripening earlier than the tall variety.
- Nuts – The nut weighs about 85 grams and contains 65% oil and is susceptible to drought.Dwarf or short variety which producing green, orange, and yellow color nuts.
- Flowering – Flowering all year round and takes less than 5 years. A well-nourished plant can flower after 40 to 50 months
- Leaf – The color of the leaves is yellow. For example, the leaves of the Yellow Dwarf Tree and the Peanut are more diverse than other species in infancy, and the shape of the leaves is like a sword.
- Fruits – Fruits are yellow and orange. The fruit is small to medium in size. Fruiting starts very early and it takes 3-4 years for the first crop to come.
- Lifeline – The average lifespan of a dwarf coconut tree is 40-50 years.
Climate and soil requirements for growing dwarf coconut trees
Coconut palm is found Rising in different climatic and soil conditions. It is basically a tropical plant, growing the most at latitudes 22 ° N and 22 ° S. The ideal temperature for coconut growth and yield is 29 ± 6° C and humidity> 70 percent. The coconut palm grows well up to 700 m above MSL. However, near the equator, productive coconuts can be planted at an altitude of about 1500 m above MSL. Coconut trees need proper humidity and adequate drainage.
Mix your planting soil and use a mixture of half potting soil and half sand. And also add some fine gravel or vermiculite to help the soil become gaseous. If you are planning to plant coconut outside, you do not need to use premixed soil. Find a place outside the loose, well-drained soil.
Coconut palm trees grow in well-drained soils with pH levels of 5.0 to 8.0. Dwarf coconut trees require an annual rainfall of 50 to 70 inches and a minimum average temperature of 25° C. Suitable for red sandy loam, laterite and silt soils.
Soil with a minimum depth of 1.5 m and good water holding capacity is preferred for growing coconut trees.The palms bear a wide range of rainfall intensity and distribution. However, well-distributed rainfall of around 300 cm per year is best for proper growth and high Production. In areas of insufficient rainfall with uneven distribution, irrigation is required.
The Difference between tall and dwarf coconut trees | How long does it take for a dwarf coconut tree to grow
- The economic life of dwarf coconut trees is less than that of tall coconut palms and they only live up to 60 years. Generally, dwarf coconut trees can be planted per hectare of land.
- Dwarf coconut varieties are better resistant to viral diseases as compared to tall coconut trees. However, they begin to bear fruit only 3-years after planting. About 10 years old, the trees bear fruit regularly. As with tall tree species, the larger the coconut, the less fruit is found per bunch.
- Dwarf coconut trees are mostly self-pollinated and have fewer differences compared to tall coconut tree species. They are classified according to the color of the coconut fruit. Dwarf coconut trees are smaller in size than tall coconut varieties.
- Compared to dwarf and tall coconut tree varieties, hybrid coconut palms produce more nuts and more angles.
- Normally, the economic life span of tall coconut palms is 70 to 80 years longer than that of dwarf coconut trees and they can live up to 120 years under favorable growth conditions.
Dwarf coconut varieties | How long does it take for a dwarf coconut tree to grow
Dwarf palms are small in size. They do not exceed 40 feet and most of the time they protrude at a height of about 20 feet. Dwarf trees have a shorter lifespan than tall species, with a lifespan of 40 to 50 years. Dwarf coconut palms flower as early as the third year after planting and come to regular bearing in the ninth year. Dwarf coconut fruit trees are smaller than tall palms, yet they are still a very popular food source.
- Green Dwarf Coconut – The green dwarf palm tree yields about 60 to 70 coconuts per palm and begins to bear fruit in 3 to 4 years.
- Chowghat Orange Dwarf Coconut – This is an early flowering variety and it is between 4 and 4Inflorescence for 5 years and then begins to bear fruit. Coconuts made from this dwarf tree are round with orange skin. The plants have a subtle but sweet taste in water and a high content of meat. The tree itself normally grows to a height of 16 feet and has an average lifespan of 50 years. Once it starts, it produces about 65 nuts per plant per year as it matures. This dwarf tree is susceptible to high winds and droughts and then needs to grow in a protected condition in constantly moist soil. This requires a warm temperature level, ideally above 21° C.
- Chowghat Green Dwarf Coconut – This is a type of Dwarf coconut which has a high production capacity. The fruits are small, weighing about 450 grams. husked nuts about 190 grams. The amount of husk is high, which makes up 58% of the total fruit weight. The amount of coconut is less, From 38 to 100 gm. The oil content in the corner is 66%. This species is susceptible to drought. Wilt disease tolerance (more than 80%). It is sensitive to the stem Extremely resistant to bleeding, deadly yellowing, and tolerant to rhino beetles. Because of its relative tolerance will and deadly yellow disease, can be widely used for CGD disease tolerant products.
- Macapuno Coconut – These coconuts have a higher sugar content than regular coconuts and make them ideal for dessert.
- Fiji Dwarf – It bears fruit after a few years of its life and it is still very small and can be harvested by hand without using a ladder. However, as the dwarf tree ages, it grows to a very impressive height, especially at a speed of about 1 foot per year. Fiji dwarfs have many benefits in addition to immunity.
- Malayan Dwarf Coconut – This palm is considered to be the most commonly grown dwarf coconut tree in the world. Coconuts are medium-sized and about 6 and 12 inches long. This tree is easy to grow as long as you stay in the right climate. It is drought-tolerant, and salt-tolerant and can survive in a variety of soils as long as it is well-drained. The dwarf tree begins to bear fruit at about 3 years of age.
- Malayan Yellow Dwarf Coconut– This is a Malayan Yellow dwarf coconut plant that is growing up to 9 Months. It can survive in a variety of soils as long as it is well-drained and well-watered. The dwarf tree begins to bear fruit at about 3-4 years of age & their fruit color is Yellow.
- King Coconut – King coconut water is known to have excellent nutritional value and is valuable for its health benefits. It has more sugar content than most coconuts, so it has a delicious sweet taste.
Dwarf propagation and planting material for growing dwarf coconut trees
Propagation – Dwarf coconut trees are propagated by seeds. Bold and vigorous nuts should be chosen. The wide surface of the nut must be pointed upwards. Germination takes 4 to 4.4 months. Coconut palm is propagated by seeds. Mother Palms should be regular carriers with an annual production of more than 110 nuts at 160 grams per nut. These coconut palms that produce barren peanuts and large quantities of immature peanuts should be discarded for the nursery.
When Planting Material for growing Dwarf Coconut trees, Dig a hole about 2.5 feet wide and 2.5 feet deep to clear the soil of the area, as it will be easier for the roots to establish themselves in the soft soil.
When choosing a place to plant a dwarf coconut tree, make sure the area is large enough so that the palm will not interfere with power lines or structures, as it can spread 25 to 30 feet mature. If the chosen location is low and tends to stay wet, create a planting bed about 3.2 feet high and wide that will pull the roots out of the wet position.
Remove weeds or grass at least 4 feet in diameter, as unwanted vegetation deprives the dwarf coconut tree of essential moisture and nutrients. Dig a hole about 3 feet wide and 4 feet deep to clear the soil of the area, as it will be easier for the roots to establish themselves in the soft soil.
Normally, use seeds and seedlings from nurseries where dry mature seeds are selected from high-yielding healthy coconut trees. Choose seedlings that are 10 to 12 months old or have 7-10 leaves. Should the leaves begin to sprout, this is an indication of the desired photo-synthetic activity. Choose plants with a straight, wide stalk. The region connecting the leaf to the petiole should be small and wide. The leaves should be wide, dark, and green. Remove thin & narrow leaves. Make sure the plants are free from many pests and diseases.
Planting and spacing requirements for growing dwarf coconut trees
To grow dwarf coconut seedlings, start with fresh coconut that still has husk on it. It should feel like water when you move it. Then soak in 7 to 10 drops of water. The day after the coconut is soaked, and then place it in a container filled with drainage soil. Then, the container must be about 15 inches deep for the roots to grow properly.
Start sowing early in the rainy season. Plant about 1ft x 1ft x 2ft at a distance of about 24 x 24ft on a square and along the contour on sloping ground. 1 to 2 ft. After digging a deep pit, place organic matter such as dry coconut husk at the bottom of the planting hole and cover with a 2: 1 mixture of soil and pen manure. Apply 120 g NPK fertilizer for fast growth.
Lay the sides of the coconut point down and then leave a third of the coconut on top of the soil. Coconut trees work best in places where the temperature is 25 °C or higher. To plant already sprouted coconuts, go ahead and then plant it in well-drained soil so that the bottom two-thirds of the plant is in the soil. Keep in a warm place and water frequently.
The process of growing dwarf coconut trees at home Step-by-step
- First, Purchase a container with a drain hole at the bottom. Rinse using water until the course builder’s sand is clear. Then, mix the clay-based potting soil and the washed coarse builder’s sand in equal proportions. Pour the soil-sand mixture from the pot into the growing container until 1/3 to 1/2 is complete.
- Set the seedling in the growing container. Then, pour the soil mixture into the container around the plant roots and gently compact the soil around the plant roots.
- Purchase a container with a drain hole at twice the depth and width of the base of the dwarf coconut plant.
- Then, pour water on the soil till it drains from the bottom, and then place the dwarf coconut tree where it will be exposed to direct sunlight. When the top of the pot is dry, water carefully.
How to plant dwarf coconut trees | How long does it take for a dwarf coconut tree to grow
Step 1) – First, choose a suitable place for your coconut palm, where the tree will see the full sun in daylight.
Step 2) – Improve the clay soil by mixing it with organic matter like peat moss for proper drainage.
Step 3) – Make a hole deep enough for the dwarf coconut tree root ball.
Step 4) – Insert the root ball into the hole and then cover it with soil so that the topmost rootsThe plants are about 1.3 inch below the ground surface.
Step 5) – Then, spread 4 or 5 inches of organic mulch on the ground under the crown of the tree, but do not allow mulch to grow within 4 inches of the trunk.
Step 6) – Water the coconut tree deeply till puddles form around the base of the coconut tree. The price of a dwarf coconut tree
The cost of a dwarf coconut tree is approximately 300-350 / Per Piece ( 2 Year Plant )
Growing dwarf coconut trees need water and fertilizer
Fertilize at the rate of 0.5 kg, 1 kg, 1.5 kg, and 2 kg per plant every 4 months for 1st year. Then, it will promote vigorous growth and early bearing. Then, apply 1 kg per plant every 6 months after the first year of potassium-rich fertilizers (eg 17: 9: 23).
The coconut tree is a thirsty plant. After that, keep the soil constantly moist by saturating it with lukewarm water once or twice a week. Your coconut palm tree needs at least 1 inch of water for each watering, especially if it has just been planted.
Pest and disease control in dwarf coconut trees
Coconut palms are resistant to insect predators, but you may see mealybugs or spider mites on the leaves. Coconut palms are affected by a fungal disease that causes the leaves to turn yellow, the fruit to fall off, and eventually die. Coconut trees can be given antibiotics, but such treatments are not always successful and most coconut palms fall victim to the disease.
Provide proper pest and disease management for your coconut palm. If there are any signs of disease, a certified arborist can inject antibiotics into the trunk of the coconut tree. The most common disease for coconut palms is fatal yellowing, which causes the leaves to turn yellow and the tree to be destroyed within 6 to 7 months. Antibiotic injections should be given every 5 months as soon as you notice the disease. Also, specific antibiotics can be used to prevent fatal jaundice.
Take care of growing dwarf coconut trees | How long does it take for a dwarf coconut tree to grow
Keep coconut trees in full sun in well-drained soil. Coconut plants grow well in most soil types with wide pH levels ranging from 5.5 to 8.5. If you live in an area where the temperature is below 22 degrees Celsius, it’s best to keep your coconut palm in a container so you can move it. Within the colder months.
- Once the coconut tree starts growing and then water the coconut tree frequently. As long as the soil is well-drained, you cannot water it too often.
Dwarf coconut trees grow in full, bright sunlight. As a good rule of thumb, you should aim for at least 6 hours of full sunlight per day.
- Growing coconut trees are heavy food that requires regular, thorough fertilizer. Find fertilizers that provide basic nutrients and trace nutrients like boron, manganese, and magnesium. Then, coconut palms are very cold-sensitive. If you live in an area where it gets cold, your coconut plant needs to come in for the winter.
Provide supplementary light and then keep it away from drafts. During the summer season, grow it outdoors and make sure you keep it in a very sunny and warm place.
Place the coconut palm in a place where it gets full sun – about six to seven hours of sunlight a day. If the plant is indoors, keep the soil constantly moist and keep the room temperature averaging 73 degrees Fahrenheit. If the container is larger than 4 gallons, the palms of the coconut can last a few years in the same container.
Plant three to four inches of mulch around the base of the coconut, keeping it a short distance from the trunk, to retain moisture and help destroy weeds if outdoors.
Fertilize with controlled-release palm manure with a composition of 7N-2.5P2O5-11K2O + 3.5Mg with micronutrients after the first year of growth. Coconut palms will have all the nutrients they need in the first year, but then about 7 ounces of palm manure will be needed for a 27-square-foot roof applied every three months.
Harvesting and Production of the dwarf coconut tree | coconut yield per acre
If you are growing dwarf coconut trees, you need to be aware of their yield. Dwarf coconut varieties bear fruit after 5 to 7 years and become fully productive after 7 years. When the coconut tree is very tall, climb the tree to get the nuts. Do not let the fruit fall to the ground and harvest the coconut regularly and do not let the cashew tree dry. This will delay new flowering and reduce crop yield. Yield varies according to the level of management. With good management, each dwarf can get 110-140 nuts a year from a coconut tree. There are so many people about growing dwarf coconut trees, hope you like the stuff
Dwarf coconut trees per acre Profit or Per acre Income | How long does it take for a dwarf coconut tree to grow
Total Calculation of dwarf Coconuts per acre Profit
Total Number of trees Planted per acre = 100 TREES
Assumed that total 300–350 Coconuts production per year, will take average 325 Coconuts per year
Total number of coconuts per acre = 325 coconuts per tree * 100 Tree = 32,500 Coconuts production per acre
If we calculate today’s rate per coconut @ 20-25 per nut (2022)
The total annual income is 7,15,000 @ Rs.22 per coconut ( 32500*22 = 7,15,000)
coconut yield per acre,coconut yield per acre
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