Sodium tripolyphosphate in fish | warning

Sodium tripolyphosphate in fish | warning

Sodium tripolyphosphate in fish | warning

Sodium tripholyphosphate is the sodium salt of triphosphoric acid. Produced by mixing disodium phosphate and monosodium phosphate in chemical laboratories. Sodium tripolyphosphate(Compounds)

Food addictive
Sodium tripholyphosphate also gives a new look to meat and seafood while reducing spoilage. This chemical helps maintain the natural color of meat and fish and improves their texture. This is done by improving the water storage capacity of animal products and reducing their dryness

Not as good as, you may not even know STPP is there because labeling this potentially toxic chemical is not mandatory in the United States, AS PER EXPERTs OF US says

You may not know about you are paying more for seafood which has this type of chemical because it can increase the weight of the fish food.

Sodium tripolyphosphate in fish | warning
sodium tripolyphosphate,sodium polyphosphate,sodium triphosphate,sodium tripolyphosphate side effects,tripolyphosphate

So what is it? It is an additive – called sodium tripolyphosphate or in short it is called as STPP – and is used to make your seafood stronger, smoother and brighter. To achieve these fish food weight results, seafood producers can soak their seafood in a quick chemical bath or tank of STPP (sodium tripolyphosphate)

Some commonly “soaked” seafood items include scallops, prawns, and anything particularly filtered, such as imitation crab meat,

If the seafood is soaked in an STPP tank for more days, it will absorb more water, which means you have to pay more for the product because more water weighs more payment. If a milky white liquid gets soaked in fish while you cook, a slice of fish meat may be “soaked” with STPP chemicals and its shape may be slightly visible.

Tripolyphosphate is usually added to prawns after peeling, so to avoid this, try buying shell-on prawns and peeling them yourself. (Save shells to keep shrimp.) This is not true in sodium bisulfite.

You can also read the microprint on the packaging: the chemicals must be listed on the labels, which you can find directly from the freezer case on the shrimp bag.

If you find piles of shrimp on ice in supermarkets and fishmongers, the only way to know for sure if they are chemical-free is to ask – and hopefully, the person behind the counter knows the answer.

Consumption of this chemical in high amounts, STPP is a suspected neurotoxin, as well as a registered pesticide and known gas contaminant in the US, state of California.

How can an STPP clean up? Ask at your market or fish shop if you have sold fish or shrimp “dry”. You can ask the same thing about waiters in seafood restaurants – they need to have an understanding of the subject. (In industry parlance, “wet” fish means the product is soaked in phosphate.) You can also check the labels of packaged products, which may list STPP as an ingredient. Unfortunately, companies and vendors are not thankful to do so. Expert says.

What foods contain sodium tripolyphosphate? sodium triphosphate

Side effects of sodium phosphate overdose may include:

sodium tripolyphosphate side effects

  • Vomiting
  • Headache
  • Decreased urine production
  • To gather
  • Abdominal pain
  • Dizziness
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Confiscation
  • Health Newsletter

Who should avoid sodium phosphate?

Talk to your doctor about the use of sodium phosphate, especially if you take it as a supplement or eat large amounts of processed or fast food.

People in certain situations should avoid taking this food. These include:

  • Kidney disease
  • Intestinal tears or obstructions
  • Intestinal swelling or slow-moving bowel
  • Heart failure
  • Sodium phosphate an allergy

Foods containing sodium polyphosphate

Substances that naturally contain sodium phosphate include:

  • Peanuts and peanuts
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Poultry
  • Eggs

Substances added to sodium phosphate include:

  • Good meat
  • Daily meat
  • Fast food
  • Ready-to-eat food, like-ready-meals
  • Commercially baked goods and cake mix
  • Canned tuna